
Showing posts from April, 2020

Coastal Hazards in Brazil

Sea Levels The sea levels along the Brazilian coast is expected to continue to ri se in the decades ahead. This is a major issue because many of their most important and largest cities are located near the coastline . Which mean that a good portion of Brazils citizens are  vulnerability to sea level rise and the other effects of climate change, including the increased frequency and intensity of rainfall. According to a  report titled “Vulnerability and adaptation of Brazilian coastal cities to climate change impacts” published by the Brazilian Panel on Climate Change (PBMC) on June 5, 2017, " the global average sea level rose by 19 cm between 1901 and 2010, varying in the range of 17-21 cm."  Between the years 1993 and 2010 the annual average level increased by over 3.2 mm.  In São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, average sea level has increased 1.8-4.2 mm since 1950 .  According to the same report, climate change and accelerating sea level has a major impact on the coastal a

Extreme Weather in Brazil

Overview Brazil lies outside of the pathway of hurricanes, earthquakes, and has no volcanic activity, which means it is not  listed as a country that is vulnerable to natural disasters. It is actually ranked 123rd in the world index of countries most susceptible to natural disasters. However Brazil is not at the complete grace of Mother Nature. Around 85% of Brazils disasters are caused by, extensive droughts, flash flooding, and landslides. There is a pattern that comes with the distribution of rainfall in the Brazilian region, and they naturally can vary and cause extreme hydrological events.  Climate Change The Atlantic Forest has suffered extreme amounts of deforestation since the Portuguese colonized Brazil, in the 1500s. First the forest was used for its plentiful amount of hard wood, and then for sugar cane plantations, later it was used for cocoa, pulp, and paper industry. There is an estimated 5%-10% left of the Atlantic Forest in the NE region. Given this extre